About Me

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I am a girl who always loves to share happy stuffs with people around me.and even there's nothing special to share, I still love to smile all the time. Cuz I think that a smile with a person can make this world much more lovely!! I surely love to be with my friends, but I am not afraid to be alone.Furthermore, I enjoy the time to get along with myself. Only when I talk to my mind, I can think clearly and deeply about what my thoughts really are. It's the best way to realize myself, and managing a blog helps me to do so. :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

A good website for ears: )

YES!! Today I want to share a great website for listening music!!
That is NEXOS!!!
Well, it is a website for listening to classical music rather that pop music, ha! 

I love this website very much because there are thousands of CDs for classical music that published in the market so I can choose whatever authors or additions I like and listen to it!!

Maybe some of you have already known Nexos, and it is true that you have to spend some money if you want to enjoy the resources on it. But the point I want to recommend this website is because if you enter Nexos from the entrance of NCCU's website, you can enjoy all the music there FREE!!!

Just follow the steps below:
get into the library's page→move the arrow to "search"→move the arrow to " electronic resources"→click the "database directory"→in the column "Browse by Types" you'll see "video&audio", click it!→you'll see Nexos Music Library→then click the detail then the website and log in with your ID in library system. 
Then, you can enjoy all the resources on it!!!

Well, there's one thing to memtion that you can only enjoy the music for free in campus domain. So...hope it is informative and you can enjoy it : )))


  1. This is super cool!!!!!!!I did not discover this good part of our library before!Thanks for share this great great function of our library.Although I cannot view the NEXOS website due to the limitation of users(?),but it is so good to know this. Thanks a lot!!

  2. I’m so happy to know the website which I can use to it for free!!! I usually listen to classical music on the radio, but the weakness is that I can’t choose what I like or what I want to listen. Besides, if I hear the song I love, I need to write it down immediately. The website is so convenient and useful!!! Thanks for sharing. =)
