About Me

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I am a girl who always loves to share happy stuffs with people around me.and even there's nothing special to share, I still love to smile all the time. Cuz I think that a smile with a person can make this world much more lovely!! I surely love to be with my friends, but I am not afraid to be alone.Furthermore, I enjoy the time to get along with myself. Only when I talk to my mind, I can think clearly and deeply about what my thoughts really are. It's the best way to realize myself, and managing a blog helps me to do so. :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cool experience

Last weekend, I went to 元智university for giving a short speech.
The teacher of ETP's class assigned us to prepare a speech, and find our own audience this semester. For unknown reason, our audiences was decided, and they are teachers from elementary schools.
Because I live in 桃園, my father drove me there, while the other two team mates live in the dorm, they woke up very early. We rehearsed and rehearsed because we have already forgot what we have practiced two weeks ago. Then, it was the time for us to give out the speech!!
Fortunately I didn't forget my lines then, but I was truely nervous. Cuz we generally present in front of our classmates, and we get so familiar with each others, but this time, we presented in front of a group of unknown people, and don't know what questions they are going to ask us. Well, luckily, they are kind people, and didn't ask tricky questions.
Well, it is really an unforgettable experience, and I think after this experience I get more confidence in talking in front of a group of unknown people, and learned more interaction skills. Although sometimes the works assigned by ETP's course is sophisticated, I do really think I can learn lots of things after finish a task.


  1. Did you need to make speech on the stage? Were there many teachers in front of you? Well, the number of the audience is not quite important. I think that making a speech in front of strangers and in a unfamiliar place is a very difficult thing! How brave are you!

  2. I was one of the hosts in “Summer Night Show 2011” on last Tuesday. Though it’s not my first time hosting a program, I was still quite nervous. I think it’s impossible to be not nervous at every time standing and giving speech or talk in front of the crowd. What we can do is just stay calm. As my Journal English teacher said,” Be prepared always.” CHEERS

  3. Wow! It is really cool to give a speech! I don’t have this kind of experience before. But I really love the satisfaction after end up a deeply preparation and performance. I bet you have the same feeling this time. :) Can’t wait to see you in class! And I am looking forward your sharing about the speech in detail. :P
