About Me

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I am a girl who always loves to share happy stuffs with people around me.and even there's nothing special to share, I still love to smile all the time. Cuz I think that a smile with a person can make this world much more lovely!! I surely love to be with my friends, but I am not afraid to be alone.Furthermore, I enjoy the time to get along with myself. Only when I talk to my mind, I can think clearly and deeply about what my thoughts really are. It's the best way to realize myself, and managing a blog helps me to do so. :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

The weekend before mid-term week

I fought with 4 or 5 big assignments last two weeks, and I was almost freak out then...
Hence, even it is the mid-term week next week, I still insisted to take a cool rest once I finished those projects on Friday night.
Instead enhancing my knowledge of classics, I chose to watch a Korean TV drama, My secret garden, to have fun. It's 20 episodes and about 1 hour for each. I just want to have dinner in my room and watch 1 or 2 episodes originally, however, I found the content was so attractive to me!!

I like this drama for some reasons, the first thing is, the main actor is a charming guy LOL
 Well, I won't tell much about it to make my main reason to watch it exposed to you!! Ha~ 
And the other thing is that the content. I love it because it is a easy, happy, lovely, also touching drama. I don't like dramas with heavy atmosphere or topic, it will make me feel bad and much more stressful after watching them. 
Also, the magic that the main actor and actress's soul exchanged after they have a glass of wine was the reason I like it. Drama is drama for it can play the incredible things that can't happened in real world. 

Although I have spent almost all the weekend and  just finished watching the drama two hours ago, I still don't regret watching it rather then study for my mid-term :p Because I not only feel relaxed, but also feel much better after I struggled with annoyed situations in previous days.
In all, I like this drama. If you are also interested in it, and haven't watched it, go for it AFTER MID-TERM!!


  1. I’ve heard that drama before. After taking part in “The University News” 大學報, I’d stopped the habit of watching drama. It takes time. And once you’re addicted to it, you got to finish the whole drama which maybe takes 25 episodes. Now I’d rather to watch movies as they last utmost 2 hours. The last movie I watched is “127 hours”. It’s a story of an adventurer amputated his right arm to escape from the crayon. Worth to watch!

  2. I also like to watch dramas, but I prefer to watch the Japanese dramas. I think the humor of Japanese dramas is much similar to Taiwanese. That's why I prefer Japanese one.

  3. I went to 九份 with my boyfriend last weekend. I think it is important to relax ourself when we are facing something stressful like "3-week" mid-term. Having fun sometimes is just like kind of charger for me.
    I have only watch "My secret garden" of Taiwan version, maybe I may try it after mid-term. :)
