About Me

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I am a girl who always loves to share happy stuffs with people around me.and even there's nothing special to share, I still love to smile all the time. Cuz I think that a smile with a person can make this world much more lovely!! I surely love to be with my friends, but I am not afraid to be alone.Furthermore, I enjoy the time to get along with myself. Only when I talk to my mind, I can think clearly and deeply about what my thoughts really are. It's the best way to realize myself, and managing a blog helps me to do so. :)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Review on Les Miserable

When I was considering what topic to do few days ago, I just happened to see Les Miserable,

I remembered I read the book when I was very little, but I have already forgot the content of it, so I decided to find the vedio about it. Unfortunately, I can not find the opera edition, so I watch the movie form, which was filmed in 1998, and I found that I like it very much.

Les Miserable, which was created by the great writter, Victor Hugo, described the resentment between a inspector amd a victim, Jean Valjean.  After being forgiven by a priest, Jean Valjean became a very kind person with dignity. And in the film, I can sense that Hugo wanted to express the powerof love and forgiveness.

I love this story very much, and the way the director shooted the mivoe was very neat, and I can deeply sensed that how classical works can last for so long, the story would never let me bored. And next time, I hope I can find the opera edition, it is saied that the opera edition is much more touched than other version.



  1. What a coincidence that I loved “Les Miserables” opera very much. Hmm, actually it’s not the opera but the 10th anniversary version. I bet you must have watched it before. I love some songs like “On my own” and “Do you hear the people sing?” In that version, the Philippines singer Lea Salonga, acting the supporting actress, did very well. I even think that her singing is better than the leading actress. Well, hope you can upload some videos here. Thanks for sharing ^^

  2. I like this movie, too. I think it express a touching feelings, man who fights for justice and decisions Jean Valjean had decided after all the things he ran into. He’s a very brave guy! I had another memory with Les Miserable, my joined a chorus in high school and we sang the songs of this opera.
